Country Details

Country Name: Japan
Capital City: Tokyo
Currency: Yen (JPY)
Local Time: GMT + 9
Telephone Code : + 81
Bank: Closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Exchange Rate: 1.00 JPY is equivalent (Japanese Yen) to 0.72 BDT


Seven Star Aviation! Facilitates you with Japan visa from Bangladesh.

Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh
Plot No. 5 & 7, Dutabash Road,
Baridhara, Dhaka-1212
Phone: (+88) 02 881 0087
Fax: (+88) 02 988 2700
Consular Time: Sunday to Thursday from 09:00 am to 10:50 am

Visa procedure:
1. How to get and fill out the visa form:

a) The Japanese visa application forms are distribute at Embassy gate on every working day or click here to download.
b) The form must be filled out completely.
c) The photos should use 2 inch x 2 inch, taken within 6-months

2. How to apply for visa:

a) Hours of submission is 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM on every working day by the applicant.
b) Submit your application with documents specified. Click here for Checklist.
c) You will receive an ” application receipt” when you submit your application.
d) They may deny if you do not submit all the required documents or 6 months have not passed since your last visa refusal.
e) It is highly recommended to apply for visa well in advance of your travel.

3. How to attend Interview:

a) Interview time will be held at same time of your submission of application.
b) At the end of the interview, you will be instructed on how to collect your passport.
c) This information is written on the application receipt as well.


Multiple visa
If you have a purpose to frequently visit Japan, extent each stay less than 90 days and without reward activities, a multiple visa for 1 year can be issued. Prepare the following extra requirements with your applications, (i) Reason letter (mentioning necessity, frequency of visit and your social status, etc), (ii) Proof documents for reason letter.

No fee for Bangladesh national.
For more information, Click here

For any specific query, please call 0175-551-3805.

Japan visa from Bangladesh

** Seven Star Aviation! provides personalized visa consultancy service for Japan (Consultancy fee applicable).

Our consultancy services include:

  1. Your Background & Travel History study,
  2. Identifying loop hole in the application documentation,
  3. Preparing best approach for visa application.


Call for Your Appointment:

+88-02-9850469, 9850470 or E-mail us: